Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Project 12 Part 4: ChicArt Magazine "Online Webpage"

Finally! This is the final stage of this project, i am going to design a online webpage of this magazine, so to get started, i opened up the Adobe Dreamweaver to create the style and layout of the webpage. First i design the home page of the webpage.

Then, i design the "About us" page for this webpage.

Then, i design and created the "Articles page" for the webpage.

Lastly, i design and created the last part of the page which is the "subscription page".

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Project 12 Part 3: ChicArt Magazine "Article Page"

For this part of the project, i am going to design a piece of the "article page" for the magazine. So after done much research, i chose the topic "Breaking the rules of design" as the article that i am going to design a article page for. So to get started, i took a piece of "bokeh effect" photograph to be used as the background of the magazine, another reason why i chose to use bokeh effect photograph is because that i have used the similar style images for both my cover and content page. So in order to retain the same style, i chose this.

Next, i placed a dark column on the middle part of the page because i am going to put a model there later on. *Please click of the image for bigger picture if you couldn't see the darker column.

Next, i went to this website Stock,xchng for some pictures of fashion icons. After i found the pictures i wanted, i cropped them in the photoshop and pasted them on my design.

Lastly, i added words and titles on the design and after some final touch-up, the design is finished.

This is how the final design looks like.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Project 12 Part 2: ChicArt Magazine "Content Page"

For this part of the project, i am going to design the content page of the magazine, in order to maintain the style of the magazine, i decided to use the same background that i have used for the cover page of the magazine.

Next i added the lines on the bottom part of the background.

Now, it's time to add the "page numbers" on the lines and i wanted it to look unique, thus, i used the format of numbers as "0203" or "0506".

Next, i will add the names of the articles that will be featuring inside the magazine, it will be placed beside the "page numbers"

This is how the final design looks like.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Project 12 Part 1: ChicArt Magazine "Cover Page"

This is a project that i had spitted into 4 parts which is the "Cover Page", "Content Page", "Article Page" and the "Webpage".

So today, i am going to show you guys on the process of me creating the cover page of the magazine. To get started, i used of piece of "bokeh effect" photograph to act as the background of my magazine "cover page".

Then i added in words like the title and the contents on the background.

Then, it's time to add necessary components of a magazine like the "price" and the "barcode" and the "copyrighted words" onto the magazine.

And this is how the final design looks like.